The TMAA Enrichment Series offers online sessions, via Zoom, to benefit you personally and as an alliance member. These two sessions – offered at no cost – will round out our 2024 schedule.

Please RSVP to receive the Zoom link. Be sure to indicate if you’ll be attending one or both sessions. And be sure to check back for more sessions in 2025.

Nov. 12, 7-8:30 pm

Thrive Through Transitions: Mastering Change with Confidence
can help you navigate significant life transitions – a new role, a new season of parenting, empty-nesting, caregiving, retirement, or just a shift in your routine.

Doreen Steenland, RN, a Mindful Leadership Coach and med spouse, will lead this interactive, experiential workshop to equip you with the tools, mindset, and strategies to confidently embrace change and uncertainty. During the session, you’ll prioritize what’s important to you, look at challenges through a new lens, and create an action plan to thrive.

Dec. 5, Noon-1 pm

TMA’s 89th Legislative Update: Wins and What’s on the Horizon
will focus on how state and federal advocacy impacts the practice of medicine and physicians’ ability to care for patients. Clayton Stewart, TMA Vice President of Public Affairs and Chief Lobbyist, will give an in-depth look at what TMA has done at the state and federal capitols to protect the profession of medicine on 10-plus critical legislative issues such as protecting physician autonomy, stopping scope expansions, and reducing health insurance interference – and what’s ahead for 2025.