6:30 am | Registration | TMA Building, Thompson Auditorium
7 am | Hot Topics – Issues Briefing | TMA Building, Thompson Auditorium
8 am-Noon | Visits with Legislators / Noon Committee Hearings / House and Senate Sessions | State Capitol
Noon-1 pm | Lunch | TMA Building, Thompson Auditorium
1-4 pm | Visits with Legislators / Committee Hearings / House and Senate Sessions | State Capitol
May 6 - Final First Tuesday event of 2025
First Tuesday Commemorative Scarves, Neckties
Celebrate 20+ years of First Tuesdays with a commemorative scarf or necktie. The scarves/ties make great door prizes or gifts. Local alliances can place a bulk order to be shipped, and the scarves/ties will be available for purchase at TMAA events and TMA conferences. Cost is $20 each.
Party of Medicine
Local alliances and individual members host Party of Medicine events in their local communities. This peer-to-peer education and recruiting tool brings together members of the Family of Medicine in a relaxed, social setting to explain the importance of supporting the practice of medicine through advocacy.
A Party for Medicine: Alliance Advocacy Events Increase TEXPAC Visibility (texmed.org)
TMA Alliance members align with physicians as members of TEXPAC, TMA’s political action committee, to protect Texas patients through political education and activism.
TEXPAC’s June Bratcher Award for Political Action recognizes the outstanding efforts of a physician’s spouse on behalf of the Texas Medical Association. The award is named in honor of Ms. Bratcher, a longtime TEXPAC alliance leader and political trailblazer. See past honorees and a history of the award.
Alliance Representatives to TEXPAC Board of Directors
Lisa Allen, DO, Smith
Marilyn Brodeur, Nueces
Lisa Drever, Smith
Karin Foster, Travis
Keely Hunsaker, Nueces
Sunshine Moore, Nueces
Suzanne Perkins, Smith
Sharon Robinson, Lubbock
Amy Samples, Bexar
Jenny Shepherd, Bexar
Elizabeth Vanexan, Nueces
Martha Vijjeswarapu, Bexar
Libby White, Lubbock